Woo, don’t Fridays come round quickly these days? No sooner have I carved my pumpkin than I’ll be putting the tree up…here are this weeks Randoms…
Rey Cruz sent this in saying “I have been wanting to contribute some wackiness to friday randoms for quite some time. Something with a little US redneck bubba “feel” to it…”
What you gon’ do with all that junk?
All that junk inside your trunk?
I’ma get, get, get, get, you drunk,
Get you love drunk off my humps,
Guiyu is the largest electronic waste (e-waste) site on earth, according to wikipedia. Since late 1980s a lot of e-waste from overseas has been imported to China and dismantled at Guiyu.
The state-run newspaper the Peoples Daily said in 2006 that Guiyus more than 5,500 e-waste business employed over 30,000 people.
According to the local goverment Web site, city businesses process 1,5 million tons of e-waste a year, pulling in $75 million in revenue.
As much as 80 percent of it comes from overseas.
It’s as much as 10 times cheaper to export the waste to developing countries for the United States, as safety rules skyrocket domestic disposal costs, says the U.S. Enviromental Protection Agency.
Americans scrap 400 million electronic products per year, and generated 2.6 million tons of e-waste in 2005.
More here.
Ever wondered how they do Google street maps? THese two guys do it.
Add to basket from Wooster.
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Stu from MTBCut has put together a great retrospective from 2009, nice feel to this one.

Some meaty art from Victoria Reynolds
Awkward hugging from Dilbert
4minutes and 50 seconds of phalic ice melting from those Krazy Japanese game show people.
Inspired by Steve Peats old Skool top five here is a tune to set you up for a weekend of riding, Saturn 5 by Inspiral Carpets.