DH1 have released their downhill race calender for the 2012 season. Look at the dates!
Ray Dulieu from Freecaster has just been on the dog and bone letting us know about the DH1 dates for 2012.
Maribor has already been announced as the first race with subsequent venues being released when FaceBook targets have been met. Ray told us FaceBook was a valuable tool to use for market research which in turn can be used to attract sponsors, so the more of you that hit the like button on www.facebook.com/DH1.tv the better.
Ray also mentioned that although there won’t be a UK round for 2012 it’s something he is looking into for 2013.
Three of the six race venues will be ex-World Cup tracks, we know Maribor is in so that leaves two more WC venues. Three races will take place in Europe and three in North America. Any guesses?
As you can see from the calender below there is no conflict with World Cup dates which is good and only two skirmishes with the iXS series.
How about clashes with the Halo BDS? My provisional BDS dates look like 15 April, 13 May, 05 Aug, 26 Aug and 9 Sep. Which means 13th May and the 5th Aug conflict.
Image from www.dh1.tv/calendar