

Is this the best bike money can buy?

Big Mike has never sold anything on ebay before. Until now. He bought this Rotec from new somewhere in about 1998. Big Mike never won any races on this bike and I think the wheels have only left the ground once while it was being lifted over a gate.
He loves this bike like it was his sister and is only selling it because it won’t fit over his new mantlepiece (and it scares the cat), so has advertised it on the ebay.
Have a look here, is this the best bike money can buy?

As you can see it is in immaculate working condition, the chain perhaps needs a dab of oil and some “bits” are missing. But there is no reason why this bike can’t go on to actually win a race somewhere and gain some silverwear, and respect for the rider.

A drop or two of 3-in-1 oil should see the chain spinning freely like the day it was born.

(Pedals not included)

If any body guesses correctly if this bike will sell or not or even how much money somebody might actually pay then we will give you a prize.

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