Trek World Racing’s Aaron Gwin took the win at the US Open this weekend with Jill Kintner winning the women’s race.
Here’s the PR from Trek:
Aaorn Gwin, Justin Leov and Neko Mulally were racing the prestigious US Open in Vernon, NJ (USA), and Tracy Moseley at a National Downhill in Scotland (which was cancelled today due to poor weather). The Downhill men scored another strong result with Aaron Gwin (USA) winning the US Open ahead of a world class field, with team mate Justin Leov taking an impressive 3rd place, as he did in 2010. Unfortunately Neko Mulally punctured in the qualifier and didn’t pass to the final.
Photo: Matt DeLorme
With the added competition from world class riders like Gee Atherton (GBR), Mick Hannah (AUS) and Stevie Smith (CAN), qualifying was a very tight affair. There is also the added note of caution for the top riders because unlike the World Cups, there are no protected riders at the US Open, so any mechanical or large crash will put you out of the final, as Neko learned. Fastest qualifier was Andrew Neethling, with Aaron in 2nd and Justin 4th behind Gee Atherton. On finals day the times dropped by a dramatic 6 seconds, and it was Aaron Gwin who not only won the event for the first time, but becomes the first American to win the US Open in its 9 year history. Stevie Smith was less than a second behind in 2nd, and Justin beat Gee Atherton into 4th, and took home the prize money for 3rd place, yet again.