I love apples, I grew up with an apple orchard and remember fondly eating about ten apples a day during the summer, then having a mass apple fight with any wind falls (it hurts getting wacked in the face with a soggy apple you know).
Then at the world champs there was a big presence with the local Melinda apples, quite nice and crunchy actually.
Why all this talk of apples?
Well I just got an email from somebody called Sam informing me of a new team looking for riders. The team is called, and I’m not making this up, Team Jazz. (well it’s better than Granny Smith or Pink Lady)
(this might not actually be a Jazz apple)
That’s Jazz as in the apple, not the laid back music, the Honda car or the adult magazines. It’s the apple, and why not? They are willing to cough up £1500 to support some new riders.
You know the slogan “an apple a day keeps the doctor away and also helps you out with your downhill career”, is that core advertising?
Keep your eye out for further teams including:
Team King Edward Potato
Team Kumquat
And Team Conference Pears
If you want to be on the team all you’ve got to do is visit their website and do what it says. Check out Jazz Apples.

Race support will be available.

This is Shirley, she will be the team mechanic. You could be as healthy as Shirley if you ate 13 apples a day, though I understand she does have a wind problem.Braaaap.
All that Jazz