Day 4 of Run to the Hills fuelled by XS Power Drink took team Hotlines away from their Rampage practice and indoors for some pump track action. With all the drops dialled and the big bikes packed away it was time for some fun down at this sweet indoor track.

Not much sign of the wet weather giving up this morning.
The team were pretty much over the rain this morning and headed for the relative warmth of an indoor pump track.

Al Bond getting his Tweet on
With the session going on most of the day the boys were pretty stoked to come across this little beauty of a skate park when the rain finally gave in for a few hours. Looks like we might be getting some pretty interesting shots from this place.

Nothing like a few bright colours to brighten a skate park.
With all this hard work today’s ‘selfie’ prize goes to Grant Fielder who was sporting a haircut Vanilla Ice would have been proud of.

Vanilla Ice or 90’s boy band, you decide.
One more day of Run to the Hills awaits the riders tomorrow and check out the rest of what they have been up to on #dirtrtth.