So i picked up my caddy the other day after looking for one for ages, got it off the bay, driving it home i felt so pimp pulling into service stations with my ronal turbo wheels and the bully net!! i went to the scrappy today to look for some bits and pieces and as the law of sods would have it there were NO vw’s. none at all. so i drove home and driving thru town i got my first look! this dude looked her up and down, grinned and nodded at me and went on his way. i was stoked! i dont know whats in store for her next, there are so many possibilities, im fully caddy loved up. although sometimes it changes to caddy rage when im trying to 85 point turn and she is the heaviest steering ever, or when theres more than 2 people to transport to the pub. but who cares. it might take me whole weeks to get to world cups next year but these little pick ups are the sh*t!.