Last year we said we thought the styling of the D3 might be a bit of a grower, and grown it has done…favourably. The reason we love Troy Lee lids though isn’t just about their style, it’s also about their fit. We always say different heads suit different brands, but there’s not a single one of us at Dirt that has ever found a helmet that fits better than a Troy Lee. The increase in the range of sizes over a D2 has only made this aspect even better, and the extra protection that this D3 offers is more than welcome considering the progression of our sport. It might be nothing short of bloody expensive, but the good news is that 2011 will see the introduction of a composite version which will provide just the same amount of protection and great fit, all for a hundred quid less. Still not cheap we know, but sadly quality rarely is.
Check out the Troy Lee designs D3
PrIce: £499.99
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