Normally you’d expect a rim that weighs in at just 470g to be reserved for XC whippet use only, but somehow Stan’s have managed to produce a rim of that weight that has even managed to prove itself on the World Cup DH circuit.
Quite how they’ve achieved such an incredible strength to weight ratio is still a bit of a mystery, and at 28mm wide they’re even a good width. It doesn’t matter whether you are building a trail bike or a lightweight DH bike, you should definitely consider getting a set of these.
They can easily be converted into tubeless rims too, and the unique shape of the area where the tyre bead sits means that with a bit of sealant you can happily run standard tyres tubeless without any burping issues. Build them up with quality hubs and spokes and you’re onto a winner.
Price: Black £78.00, White £80.00
Paligap 01454 313 116