At about 4pm yesterday my girlfriend decided to try and chuck a log across the room into the pile next to the woodburner, it was a good shot in that it hit the area where we keep the logs, but this also happens to be the place where a fragile pipe sticks out! Unfortunately this pipe is the bleed pipe for the entire heating system and so when it snapped off there was an instant tidal wave of water across the living room floor, it wasn’t a pretty sight. After eventually drawing a blank on trying to get a plumber out I had to resort to getting the Oxycetaline kit out of the shed and by some form of miracle I finally magaged to join everything back together without melting the entire system or setting fire to the house. After finishing what I thought would be the most difficult task I then tried to fill the system back up, but it wasn’t having any of it thanks to an air lock from hell. In the end I gave up and resigned myself to having to spend the night in a freezing cold house on the coldest night of the year so far. Anyway, the good news is that with a second wind today and after swallowing several pints of rusty water and disconecting almost every pipe in the house, I’ve finally managed to get the thing back up and running. Now all we have to do is try and dry the place out. The lesson to be learnt…don’t throw logs about in your house unless you want to spend the next few days trying to sort out the mess.