Inspired by the Voltron creek gap we needed to build another Pemberton monstrosity. We chose a spot on an existing trail and built Megatron, a step down, into a steep downhill roller into a long step down. The takeoff for Megatron is about 4 or 5 feet high, 3 feet wide and about 12 feet long and is made of huge rocks capped with dirt all by hand. It is the nicest most permanent thing I have ever been a part of building. I haven’t hit it yet. After that I started our now yearly contract of cleaning up the dirt jumps in the village.

The dirt was pretty wet. We had to shovel off the snow. I haven’t seen the finished project yet cause I took off before it was finished. I got a call from Tom Pro, from Gravity Logic saying they could use some help rebuilding the bike park at Calgary Olympic Park. COP bike park is not the ideal canvass for a dream park ( you may remember the World Cup course in 2004 ) but is was still a chance for a road trip and a good time in Calgary. Arriving here we looked up at the hill and it was covered in snow. Terrible. Not the ideal start for a full bike park renovation. We had 3 weeks to get all the old stuff out and build all new trails before opening day.

Building an entire bike park in 3 weeks is insane!!! Kenny and I got put in charge of flagging and building the black trail. Hell ya! Freedom to do almost whatever we wanted! With a tracked Bobcat. It was brand new when we got it and we rampaged the crap out of it. You can get so much done with machines. Its turning out similar to D1 in Whistler, except bigger. After about a month of serious digging my body feels destroyed. I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck right now. Its over. Bye.